1 - 10
Day 11 DAYS
11 - 20
day30 DAYS
21 - 30
Day 31 DAYS
31 - 40
Day 41 DAYS
41 - 50
days 51 to 60 DAYS
51 - 60
day 61 DAY 61
day 62 DAY 62
day 63 DAY 63
Day 64 DAY 64


DAY 61

A day with not a lot of time, but I took a couple of photos from upstairs in the house of the roof light


Luckily my new mobile has a good zoom!


A bit more cabling inside the TARDIS was up next, with a bit of old white trunking down the corner of the wall to hide some cable.


Next came time to think about the middle panel on the side near the wall.


There's not a lot of room round there, so it'll be a bit of a squeeze still, but I managed to measure roughly where it needed to go.
Then gave it a quick coat of paint


And while that was drying I stuck and put some filler around the remaining sign that I somehow need to get up round there (but that'll be a job for another day!)


As you can see, with the wood balanced there, it doesn't leave much of a gap to work in!


But luckily being close to the wall meant I could wedge the middle panel with a piece of wood while I put a couple of screws through from the inside.


And lastly for the day after that was to fix the first of the bottom pieces on this side and as soon as the glue stuck i stuck a bit of filler on as it was looking like rain!


That was it again, little and often as we head towards the WHOlloween deadline, but there'll be plenty of stuff to do after that as well!